5 Ways Florida Parkinson's Disease Patients Use Medical Marijuana

With the legalization in Florida medical marijuana, as with several other states, sufferers of diseases such as Parkinson's (or their caregivers) are no longer required to break the law to get access to the symptomatic relief of Florida medical cannabis, which is now available in several forms.

It is by now pretty generally accepted by doctors that cannabis can be used to treat a variety of illnesses, including neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease. Although much research remains to be done, many individual sufferers believe that Florida medical marijuana significantly improves their quality of life.

The Curse of Parkinson's

Parkinson's disease is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, which produces insufficient quantities of a neurotransmitter controlling movement. It is incurable, can only get worse over time, and even the causes of the disease are not well understood. For the best outcome, early detection is important. The first symptoms of the syndrome can include suddenly having smaller handwriting, speaking more softly, having a less expressive face or no longer keeping a straight-backed posture, all of which are related to decreasing muscle control. While there is no reason to get paranoid – any of these symptoms can have multiple causes – if you are experiencing any of these, visiting your doctor and requesting a neurological examination is in your best interest.

It is, however, treatable, especially by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. Cannabis may form a part of such a management program, although the long-term benefits are not quite proven scientifically. The plant contains more than 100 neuroactive chemicals, all the effects of which, and what interactions they have with other brain chemicals, are not yet fully understood.

Requesting a Florida Medical Marijuana Card

As with any medical procedure or treatment plan of a serious condition, consulting a medical specialist is a necessary and prudent step. Florida medical marijuana doctors can indeed prescribe the plant, or extracts thereof, to patients who legitimately suffer from the disease. In particular, advanced cases of the disease, whose quality of life is being affected by uncontrollable tremors, difficulty moving their limbs or trouble with controlling their movements can request this course of treatment.

First-Hand Reports

Clinical interest in marijuana's beneficial effects on Parkinson's patients began after sufferers who used the drug began to post online about their experiences. According to them, it offers significant improvements in these five areas:

  • Pain management
  • Sleep dysfunction
  • Weight loss and nausea
  • Tremors
  • Dyskinesia (movement problems)

Being diagnosed with a chronic, progressive condition such as Parkinson's can be a blow, but it is not an immediate death sentence. Following a treatment regimen in which medical marijuana may have a place can allow a patient to live a full life for decades to come.

Florida Medical Cannabis